Upload a Methodology file

Methodology files are great to attach narrative and protocol descriptions associated to a dataset. You can upload a methodology file in either .doc or .pdf form following the same process described to upload a data dictionary

Currently, the ODC do not require methodology documents for you to upload and publish your datasets. However, we encourage you to include them as they improve the interpretability and reusability of your data.

Some recommendations for compiling a methodology document:

  • If the dataset comes from a published paper (and hence has the methodology already published), you can provide the paper citation and link as part of the Methodology doc/pdf. Due to potential copyright issues, do not copy/paste the methods from any published papers.

  • If you have multiple protocols you wish to upload for the to the same dataset, we recommend combining them all into a single word document or pdf. The ODC only allows a single Methodology file to be attached to each dataset.

Last updated