ODC Narrative and Metadata
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ODC offers a metadata form where you can provide information about the dataset in a standardized way. You can access the Metadata Editor for each dataset from a dataset view page. This information is unique to each dataset and helps with the interpretability and reuse of the data.
Title: Title that will be displayed on the dataset citation. Note that this will not change the title of the dataset visible within the ODC itself. Please include the species, sex, lesion type and area in your title.
Abstract: The Abstract includes 3 fields: Study Purpose, Data Collected, Data Usage Notes.
Study Purpose: Short description of the overall study purpose that resulted in the dataset.
Data Collected: Summary of what kind of data is included in the dataset and how the data was collected. Please include important experiment parameters (such as experimental model and injury severity) and critical outcome measures.
Conclusions: Summary of conclusions (if any) made with the dataset at the time of dataset publication.
Keywords: Keywords can be added to allow search engines to locate the DOI and dataset citation once the dataset is published. You can add your own keyword or start typing to see the ones ODC has already registered. You can reorder the keywords after they are added by dragging/dropping them in the list.
Provenance / Originating Publication: This section allows for entering publications that are related to the dataset. You can either import the information automatically or introduce it manually.
Import from existing publication: enter the DOI or PMID. Note that we can only import information from some preprint articles. Check the “Import authors as contributors” checkbox to import the publication’s author list automatically as contributors of the dataset (you will have to assign the dataset author and contact author labels to the respective entries after importing). After import, choose to edit the publication entry and fill out the remaining fields: Citation Relevance.
Manual: If you want to enter information manually, you can create a blank entry by leaving the DOI/PMID field blank and hitting “Import/Add Publication.” Choose to edit the new entry and fill out the appropriate fields: DOI, PMID, Citation, Citation Relevance.
Relevant links: This section allows for adding links to external resources that are relevant to the dataset. For example, if omics data associated to the dataset have been deposited in another repository, the link can be provided here. This section can also be used to link the current dataset to a published dataset in ODC.
Notes: The Notes section should be used to provide important guidance for others on using your data. Relevant information may include technical issues during the experiment that may require data exclusion, specifics about the techniques that may prevent merging with other datasets, and so on. The goal is to provide information useful to data re-users and prevent data misuse.
Funding and Acknowledgements: The Funding and Acknowledgements section requires 2 fields for each entry: Funding Agency, Funding Identifier and PI Initials. You can reorder the entries after they are added by dragging/dropping them in the list.
Funding Agency: Name of funding agency.
Funding Identifier and PI Initials: Respective funding ID (e.g. grant number) and PI Initials in parenthesis. For example: 4F0887Z (AC).
Contributors / Authors: ODC considers any Author of a dataset a Contributor. Authors will have their names attached to the citation of a dataset if published. Contributors that are not authors are other persons that do not constitute an author but you want acknowledge their contribution to the dataset. Each Contributor/Author has 5 fields to fill out. Each entry is added as a contributor to the dataset by default; if you check the options to include an entry as an author or contact author, the appropriate label will be applied to the contributor/author entry. Each entry includes: First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, ORCID, Affiliation, and Contact Email (if contact author). Data that was imported might be incomplete and will need to be edited.
First Name: Person’s first name.
Middle Initial: Person’s middle initial (if relevant).
Last Name: Person’s last name.
ORCID: Person’s associated ORCID.
Affiliation: Person’s associated affiliation at time of publishing the dataset.
Contact Email: Person's contact email (field appears only if they are a contact author)
DOI: This is provided by ODC once you go through the DOI request process
Dataset Citation: This field provides you with a look at how the citation of the dataset will look like if released to the public. It is constructed automatically from the provided list of authors and the tile. You can see the changes as you change those two pieces of information!
Dataset Info: Dataset info is automatically populated from the other sections. The section includes: Contact Author information, Lab, ODC-SCI Accession Number, Number of Records in Dataset, Fields per Record, number of associated Files.
License: The License is automatically assigned once and if the dataset is published. All datasets published on the ODC-SCI will be under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 4.0).