Tool Sandbox

The ODCs constantly develop new tools and functionalities based on user and community feedback and needs. In addition, it supports extensions through an Application Programming Interface (API) that developers can use to generate new tools integrating with the ODCs.

The Tool Sandbox provides a playground for users and developers to test the new tools and functions under development. The following is a list of tools that we encourage you to use.

Application Programming Interface (API)

A set of API tools for interacting with ODCs and development.

The Quality Control and Data Exploration Tool (ODC QC-EDA app)

This web application, developed by members of the ODC data team, allows users to test for the data and data dictionary formatting checks required for publishing pre-clinical data with the ODCs and explore the dataset's content using Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) principles.

The App's Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) functionality is temporally out of service.

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